Tradespeople without borders

June 21, 2023
Tradespeople without borders

The Atlantic provinces have entered into an agreement to enhance economic growth and competitiveness for the region by harmonizing technical safety requirements for regulated tradespeople. The objective is to simplify cross-jurisdictional work opportunities and generate cost savings for the industry.

To achieve this harmonization, each trade license will undergo a review process involving all four provinces. Legislative and regulatory changes will need to be made by each province for trades identified in the agreement. Once the changes are in effect, companies operating in the technical trades sector will only need to purchase and train their staff on a single edition of each code to operate across all four Atlantic provinces.

In PEI, the changes will apply to:

🔥 LP Gas Personnel (338)

⚡ Electrical Contractors (280)

🚽 Plumbing Contractors (100)

🛗 Elevator Contractors (2)

🛗 Elevator Installers (10)

🧑‍🔧 Power Engineers (First, Second, Third, and Fourth Class - 287)

I asked when these changes would come into effect, a spokesperson with the province said an exact timeline has not been determined as the work involved will likely be extensive.

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