Superior Sanitation, Greenisle acquired by Ontario-based GFL Environmental Services

June 17, 2022
Superior Sanitation, Greenisle acquired by Ontario-based GFL Environmental Services

Superior Sanitation and Greenisle Environmental have been sold to a fast growing waste management company rooted in Ontario, but with operations throughout North America.

GFL Environmental’s expansion into Prince Edward Island marks a milestone for the company’s portfolio which had operations in every province except Prince Edward Island. It also operates in several US states.  

Details of the sale have not yet been made public, and GFL has yet to issue a formal announcement. The company has started recruiting for some management positions on the Island, as well as positions for drivers.

Island Waste Management Corporation (IWMC) does not anticipate that Islanders will notice any change in regular residential or commercial services.

Superior Sanitation began operations in 1964 with three garbage trucks, and grew over the decades to become the largest waste collection company on the Island. In 1999 the company became a major contractor to IWMC when the provincial government created the waste watch program.

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